A handbag is defined as a woman's purse, which is a small bag for a woman's personal objects, money and keys. Another form is the tote bag, which is a larger bag with handles for 'toting' around a variety of items.
There are many expensive designer handbags and purses, lots of less expensive bags, and then there is the one-of-a-kind, unique handmade handbag from crocheted to knitted to quilted. This is a review of a few unique handbags found on Etsy, including my personal Etsy Shop, Coastal Crochet Crafts.
Bunny Tote Bag in Crochet
Bunny Tote Bag |
For Easter Time, or anytime, this pretty 'Bunny Tote Bag' will appeal to little girls. Hand-crocheted with pink and white acrylic yarn, this pink tote has a white bunny design crocheted into the front. It measures 18 inches long (which includes the 8 inch handle) and is 9 inches wide. It has plenty of room for a little girl to carry around a collection of toys, dolls and storybooks.
Speaking of dolls, this cute bunny tote comes with it's own little crocheted pink & white yarn doll who loves to ride along inside the tote to be ready to play at any time.
The bunny tote and bunny doll would make a cute Easter Basket addition. It can be found in the Etsy shop of Coastal Crochet Crafts.
Handmade Lollipop Purse
Lollipop Purse in Crochet |
Another cute purse for little girls who love to imitate 'mom' and have their own purse to carry on outings or for 'playtime' is this bright yellow Lollipop Purse. It's the perfect size for small girls, measuring just 6 inches in diameter with an 11 inch strap.
The front of the purse is decorated with two crocheted lollipops in purple and orange. Handmade by Wednesday Elf and available in her Etsy Shop.
Paw Print Tote Bag
Paw Print Tote Bag |
A good size tote bag for the beach or to take to games is this Paw Print Tote Bag. It's a fun novelty tote for fans of tigers, cats & dogs.
This Paw Print purse is a fun tote bag in the happy color of orange. It is hand-crocheted using washable acrylic yarn in orange and white. The 'paw prints' design is crocheted into the tote.
The front of this tote bag shows a design of orange 'Tiger' or 'Puppy Paws' displayed on a white background, The back of the tote is solid orange and the entire tote bag is edged in orange. This tote measures 24 inches long when you include the 'handle' (9 inch handle and 15 inches of tote bag), and 11 inches wide. The handle (or strap) is 3 inches wide.
This also happens to be the perfect tote for fans of the Clemson University football 'Tigers' in Clemson, South Carolina, whose symbol is an orange paw print. Designed and created in crochet by Coastal Crochet Crafts.
Coin Purse with Design of Dogs
Coin Purse with Dog Designs |
Speaking of paws, here's a darling dog print handmade quilted coin purse with a design of dogs in assorted breeds and colors on a black background. There are also words like "Roll over", "Fetch", "Get the newspaper" and "Lay down". This quilted purse is lined in black fabric that has white paw prints. Coin purses are handy to carry inside a regular purse to keep all your change together.
This quilted coin purse is the creation of Kathie of CutePurseNalities on Etsy. Kathie is a talented quilter from Iowa who has a variety of adorably cute purses with personality, plus a collection of coin purses and unique fabric lanyards in her shop.
Kathie's quilted purses come in a variety of designs and styles. A lovely one in her line of Christmas holiday purses is this Poinsettia Christmas Quilted Purse.
Christmas Poinsettia Quilted Purse
Christmas Poinsettia Quilted Purse |
Be ready for the holidays with this lovely purse with a poinsettia design.
The purse has beautiful dark red poinsettias and green foliage with gold accents on a black background. Black fabric was used to line the inside and for the handles. There are 3 inside pockets made with the poinsettia fabric. Purse has a button that says "Merry Christmas" and loop for closure. This is a very sturdy purse and it will stand on its own.
This purse is also on sale right now for the Christmas season.
For holiday themes and seasonal themes, animals prints and more, the Cute PurseNalities Etsy Shop has a wonderful selection of handmade quilted purses and totes.
Handmade Handbag Patterns to Crochet
If you are a crochet crafter like me, and you love handbags, this collection of handbags and tote bags to crochet is the perfect pattern book. Available on Amazon Kindle, the book Handbags and Tote Bags to Crochet contains patterns for six different crochet purses which range from large in size to a small purse for everyday use.
Whether you create your own handmade purse or purchase one from a creative designer on Etsy, a hand-crafted purse is as unique as the woman who carries it.
Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
Love these purses. You have found such a nice variety and then even shared some patterns. Thank you for all the information!
ReplyDeleteYou have gathered some wonderful creations here, just beautiful. Wish I could crochet!
ReplyDeleteWow! These purses and totes are all fabulous! I think I see my daughters name on one of them. Going to check the price now. Her birthday is coming ..........
ReplyDeleteOh, man!!! Now you have done it! You have introduced me to a Etsy crafter that could easily bankrupt me! She has so many beautiful handbags to choose from!!! Hot pads I can afford. Going to smash my piggy bank now! I need to rob that pig!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have found a collection of purses you love, Mouse. :) Glad I could help.